One of the most important events in China\'s 2007 Year of Spanish Culture, Art and Chivalry in Spain from The Royal Armoury Museum in Madrid is on display in the exhibition hall on the Meridian Gate (Wu men). In seven sections, the exhibition explains the function of "the culture of chivalry" in Spain\'s historical development. Through a splendid array of 150 objects, one can understand the history of Spain from the fifteenth to the twentieth centuries and can see the developments in the decoration, types and function of valuable Spanish armour. Those who visit the exhibition will no doubt develop an interest in Spanish history, and in reviewing Spain\'s past, will recognize Spain\'s present, as well as its special elegance and grace. Editors of the Palace Museueum website carefully selects part of the exhibits, making it a virtual exhibition with global reach. Dates: 29 September 2007 through 6 January 2008 Location: Exhibition Gallery on Meridian Gate (Wu men)