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Princes and Princesses of Monaco: A European Dynasty (13th - 21st Century)


Shaping the territory and establishing the monarchy (13th–17th century)

After initially taking possession of the fortress of Monaco in the late 13th century, the Grimaldis established a viable territory in the mid-14th century with the acquisition of Menton and Roquebrune. Their strategy for gaining recognition was aided by the context of the wars in Italy: in turn the king of France (in 1512) and the German emperor and the Pope (in 1524) accepted "The Rock" as a sovereign state. Monaco was declared a monarchy in 1612.

1、悬挂在办公室内或门上的奥比松 挂毯s.jpg

Aubusson tapestry, of chancellery or door type, with the Grimaldi of Monaco coat of arms.

The Prince\'s Palace of Monaco


Altarpiece of St Devota

Paint on wooden panel.

Cathedral of Monaco 

A small principality bordering on France (17th–18th century)

In 1641, Prince Honoré II opted for the protection of France, the dominant European power, as the small court evolved its own ceremonial system and sovereign practices. The Grimaldis became gallicised and by the 18th century they were enlightened monarchs interested in the ideas and arts of their time.


Portrait of “Honore II Grimaldi” (1651)


The prince\'s throne, by Felix Alfred Ternisien, 1881.

The Prince\'s Palace of Monaco.


Antoine I (1661-1731)

Oil on canvas by Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743), 1706.

The Prince\'s Palace of Monaco


View and perspective of the Palace of Monaco towards the place d\'Armes.

Oil on canvas by Dominique-Joseph Bressan (1670-1746), 1732.

The Prince\'s Palace of Monaco

7、瓦朗斯 公爵雅克_格里马尔迪,露易丝-伊波利特 公主的丈夫(1689年-1751年)s .jpg

Portrait of Jacques I (1718)

8、绣有格里马尔迪家族和洛林-阿尔玛涅克 家族徽记的华盖s.jpg

Dais embroidered in the coat of arms of the Grimaldis and Lorraine-Armagnac (1712)

The invention of Monte Carlo: a new city (19th–20th century)

The French Revolution brought the end of sovereignty from 1793 to 1814, and in 1848 – the "Year of Revolution" – the secession of Menton and Roquebrune meant the loss of 90% of Monaco\'s territory and a need for radical economic restructuring. The new Monte Carlo district, created in 1866, was the symbol of a rebirth grounded in high-end tourism for lovers of the seashore and games of chance. This was the Belle Époque and Monte Carlo had become a cultural hub.

9、奥诺雷五世  亲王的制服s.jpg

Uniform of Prince Honoré V (19th c.)

10、刻有摩纳哥和梅洛德 纹章的器皿s.jpg

Dinner service in the coats of arms of Monaco and Merode (19th c.)


Charles III, Prince of Monaco (1868)

12、爱丽丝_海涅(1857年-1925年),摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝一世  的王妃s.jpg 

Portrait of Alice Heine (1857-1925), wife of Prince Albert I of Monaco (1893)


Portrait of Albert I, Prince de Monaco (1905)

14、夏洛特公主  的王冠s.jpg

Cartier diadem (20th c.)

Global outreach (20th–21st century)

In the wake of the First World War came further restructuring, this time with an emphasis on finance. After the Second World War the overall economic context, the dynamism of the young Prince Rainier and the popularity of his wife, Grace Kelly, brought Monaco a worldwide reputation. Despite its small size the Principality enjoys full recognition from international organisations. At once respectful of tradition and receptive to the future, Prince Albert II, an art collector and environmentalist, is notably making Monaco\'s voice heard on the sustainable development issue.

Dress created by Helen Rose (1904-1985) for the civil for the civil marriage of Grace Kellly with Prince Rainier III of Monaco (1956)

16、格蕾丝 王妃在蒙特卡洛赌场举行的蒙特卡洛百年庆典舞会上穿着的长裙s.jpg

Dior "Bayadère" dress belonging to Princess Grace.

Spring-summer collection 1967, designed by Marc Bohan (1926- ).

Silk Chiffon and cuffs with rihinestones and sequins.

The Prince\'s Palace of Monaco


Three-tier Cartier Rivière necklace belonging to Princess Grace, 1953.

Platinum and gold, brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds.

The Prince\'s Palace of Monaco.

18、格蕾丝 王妃的梵克雅宝首饰(1)s.jpg

Princesse Grace Kelly\'s Van Cleef & Arpels Jewelry (1950s)

19、乔治_阿玛尼 (1934年-)为夏莱娜 王妃设计的婚纱s.jpg

Giorgio Armani\'s wedding dress (1934- ) created for Princess Charlene, 2011. 

Off-white duchess satin and silk organza, floral embroidery with branches, golden pearls, Swarovski crystals and mother-of-pearl drops. Silk tulle and embroidery thread covered with platinum for the veil. 

The Prince\'s Palace of Monaco


Van Cleef & Arpels ‘Ocean’ diadem (2011)

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