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The Color of History – Exhibition of Archeological Cultural Relics, Decorative and Applied Art of Ukraine


“Cultural Days of Ukraine” in the People’s Republic of China

The exhibition will present the culture of Ukraine in different kinds and genres - from the antiquities rarities to works of contemporary artists (paintings, artistic graphics, art photography, decorative and applied arts). This diversity is aimed at demonstrating the rich cultural heritage of Ukraine both in historical and geographic terms as well as the modern Ukrainian art.

The archaeological finds from the PLATAR Museum collection are intended to demonstrate the historical heritage of the Trypillian era and Scythian gold. These rarities will reveal ancient layers of national culture and are intended to show the interconnection between the ancient civilizations of Ukraine and China in the context of the history of the Great Silk Road.

Contemporary graphic works of the Ukrainian artists of the second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century aimed to show all the variety of techniques and genres. Among them there are works executed in the technique of the stamp (etching, lithography, engraving), watercolors, monotypes, original author's techniques. The unique art Petrykivka is as a brand of Ukraine, included in the Representative List of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This part of the exhibition combines the two previous ones since the historical motifs of Trypillya and Scythian traditions influence the essence of the Ukrainian past and present day. Graphic exhibition also widely represents the regional peculiarities of Ukrainian art schools. The works of the older generation recognized masters and the young artists demonstrate the evolutionary path of Ukrainian fine art and reflect its state at the turn of the millennium.

Part one: Ukraine to the world – Exhibition of Archeological Collection of PLATAR

The exposition from the PLATAR Museum collection is the immersion in the ancient history of Ukraine from the times of ancient culture of Europe, the era of copper, - the Trypillian agricultural culture, which reached its greatest development between 5500 and 2750 BC, left by itself the largest cities of the time, which accommodated up to 15 thousand people to the glorious times of the medieval history of Kievan Rus.

The presentation of authentic monuments of history, associated cultural traditions, reflected in architectural forms, embodied in musical works and artistic images, provides a comprehensive insight into the ancient history of Ukraine. Selection of exhibits is conducted in such a way as to present a rather long period of historical development.

The uniqueness of the objects consists not only in the mastering of materials and techniques, the refinement of the processing of precious metals, but also in the compositional reflection of the social and spiritual life of the contemporary society, in particular in forms and artistic decoration and influence on the further development of Ukrainian culture.

The organization of the exhibition allows creatively comprehend the product of the synthesis of ancient cultures of peoples who inhabited the present territory of Ukraine starting from VI millennium BC, in which demonstrating the main principles of harmonious existence of mankind: peace and love, tolerance and creativity.

The spiritual world of ancestors who have shaped a special culture and made a significant contribution to the world's heritage is reflected in the embodiment of the Trypillian Temple model, which is decorated with the prototype of the Yin-Yan symbol - two snakes combined in an endless cycle of harmony and movement, which confirm the combination of the sacred views of Ukrainian ancestors with the basics the universe. The symbolism itself became the bearer of the general cultural-historical aspect of the world scale.

The exhibition displays unique decorations of peoples who inhabited the modern territory of Ukraine and Ancient Europe: Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, other tribes and peoples, from the VII century BC to the III century AC, the territory forming part of the Silk Road, the most famous trade route of antiquities.

The highly artistic objects of the Greek masters of the Northern Black Sea region, reflect the integration of the symbols and ancient traditions into the world cultural space. Thus, the Scythian animal style became a distinctive and unique phenomenon of world culture, in which, as a rule, gold and bronze pieces of applied art were created by the Scythians and the Greek craftsmen.

The Byzantine Empire was formed in the IV century AC existed until the middle of the XV century, possessed and exerted influence on two continents - in Europe and Asia, which led to the combination of Asian and European influences that were reflected in public life, culture and art. Acceptance of Christianity strongly linked the state of the Balkan Peninsula, Transcaucasia, the Caucasus, Kiev Rus with the center of Eastern Christianity - the Constantinople Church.

The gold jewelries, which were worship subjects of early Christianity and Middle Byzantine art and and important element of Byzantine diplomacy were originating from the Black Sea region, which was a part of the Byzantine Empire, became. It is to such things that the golden colts with enamels belong.

Translating historical knowledge through emotionality and tactility gives the visitor a sense of presence in the historical process. The transfer of humanistic values through the visual perception of subjects provides an opportunity to understand the creative potential and the desire for self expression of each individual.

Also in the exhibition will be demonstrated popular science materials on the history of ancient Ukrainian art, in particular, archeology, provided by the international public organization Cultural Research Center of Ukraine and China "Lanhua".

Part two:National traditional art of Ukraine – Exhibition of Selected Decorative and Applied Art and Paintings

The stylistic features of Ukrainian folk art were formed over centuries, the works of which are characterized by decorative expressiveness, subtle lyricism, variety of colors, skillful use of decorative properties of the material. These qualities continue to develop both folk and professional masters. Each type of decorative and applied art is closely connected with the history and national traditions of the regions and testifies to the creative talent of the Ukrainian people.

Petrykivka is a kind of unique Ukrainian folk art. The technology of paint production was simple but unique - egg yolk mixed with juice. From generation to generation passed on the tradition of painting, original, mostly floral ornament, which later increasingly improved. Household items with Petrikov painting, which are in museums, belong to the 18th - 19th centuries. The ornament originates from the old traditional ornaments, which are widely used in the life of the Cossacks, decorating homes and other stuffs. Folk masters of the Petrikov painting Tetiana Harkava and Valentyna Panko will show their original works.

A selection of photos "We are all your children, Ukraine" is a project of Vladimir Kozyuk, a famous photographer, People's Artist of Ukraine. This project is a lyrical dedication to the native land and countrymen. The artist tunes his works to a positive wave of confidence in his forces, the memory of the family and the desire to overcome all obstacles to a bright goal. The photo will show both historical architectural monuments of Ukraine and its modernity.

Vladimir Kozyuk puts a lot of effort into the knowledge of his native land, going to numerous research and creative expeditions. He presents a picturesque series "The House Under the Roof," which shows the old houses of Ukraine in the context of their historical significance for folk culture and spirituality.

Painting on wood is a traditional Ukrainian technique, originates in ancient times both in icon painting and in folk art. The works of Ostap Kovalchuk and Alexander Tsugorka, representatives of the National Academy of Fine Arts of Ukraine demonstrate the traditions of icon painting and folk art, revived and reinterpreted in modern conditions.

Together with the brand VRODA Amber Jewelry the designer Alla Zhmaylo created the first art collection of amber jewelry in Ukraine which is called IMPERSONATION. The collection of accessories is crowned with a composition of the pectoral namysto and kybalka (Ukrainian traditional headpiece), made in a unique authoring technique using amber chips and slices.

“IMPERSONATION" is the key property of amber. The project shows everyone the well-known stone from the other side, returning it from the past to the present with a new meaning. The name of the collection is intended to convey a chain of transformations, which carries the Ukrainian amber, the unusual properties of which has formed the basis of the collection. In the "workshop" of nature, the resin turns into a solidified ingot, and in the artist's workshop it changes into a piece of art. Viewers of the project get an opportunity to witness a new transformation-an idea into an image.


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Palace of Eternal Longevity (Yongshou gong)
2018-09-26 ~ 2018-11-19
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